
竹健康 新生活--⑦ 竹子是一种潜在的塑料替代品
来源: China Daily 作者:LI HONGYANG 发布时间:2022-07-29

Bamboo a potential plastic substitute


To counter the widespread use and environmental damage caused by single-use plastics, a Chinese research institute has proposed developing new technologies by using a more eco-friendly substitute-bamboo.


The proposal, announced on Thursday by the International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan, comes in the wake of the Bamboo as a Substitute for Plastic Initiative introduced at the High-level Dialogue on Global Development held virtually in Beijing in June.


Fei Benhua, director of the International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan, said bamboo-straw manufacturing technology could be realized and used to replace plastic straws on a large scale, adding that using bamboo to make straws is just the beginning.


"There is a huge space for the initiative to develop," he said, quoting government data that the world produces nearly 400 million metric tons of plastic every year for use in packaging, construction, catering and other purposes, and that China's delivery industry annually produces about 1.8 million tons of plastic waste.



Jiang Zehui, co-chair and acting chair of the International Bamboo and Rattan Organization (INBAR), said that moving forward with the initiative and developing more technologies and ways to use bamboo instead of single-use plastics will lay a solid foundation for the future.


A sharp rise in single-use plastics, which are produced almost entirely from fossil fuels, has damaged the well-being of the planet, according to INBAR. After being discarded, they enter terrestrial and marine ecosystems, and as they break down they degrade into microplastics that contaminate food sources, creating a significant risk to human health.


Bamboo, on the other hand, which is fast-growing, resilient and sustainable, can be used as a substitute for single-use plastics. Bamboo can be used to produce cups, straws, paper and packaging, while being recyclable and environmentally friendly, the organization said.

(参考翻译)另一方面,竹子生长迅速、有弹性且可持续,可用作一次性塑料的替代品。 该组织表示,竹子可用于生产杯子、吸管、纸张和包装,同时可回收和环保。

The potential knock-on effects of using bamboo are also good for the environment.


Planting bamboo can restore degraded or deforested land, mitigate soil erosion and act as a food source for vulnerable or endangered animal species, such as the giant panda and mountain gorilla. Its ability to thrive in suboptimal soil types and rapidly mature, as well as it being a carbon sink, make it ideal for agroforestry.

(参考翻译)种植竹子可以恢复退化或毁林的土地,减轻水土流失,并作为大熊猫和山地大猩猩等脆弱或濒危动物物种的食物来源。 它在次优土壤类型中茁壮成长并迅速成熟的能力,以及作为碳汇的能力,使其成为农林业的理想选择。

Given that 50 million hectares of bamboo are distributed across Asia, Africa and the Americas, there is immense potential to scale up learned lessons and experiences across regions, according to INBAR.

(参考翻译)据 INBAR 称,由于5000万公顷的竹子分布在亚洲、非洲和美洲,因此有巨大的潜力在各地区推广经验教训。

(文章来源:China Daily

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